You may need to use the computer or software during
A short period or during a project.

We can rent equipment and software for medium or long term contracts.

All our equipment has calibration in force and ready for use, either in rent or measurement service.

The rental period of EQUIPMENT is from 4 hours for the local area and 8 hours for foreign areas.




Kreon - Measuring arm with or without scanner


 (The customer uses his technician and his software)


Kreon Measuring Arm is suitable for workshop needs, reverse engineering, quality control and the design department or metrology room.

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 Omnitrack 2

Laser Tracker - Omnitrack 2 - API (Automated Precision)


(The customer uses his technician and his software)


The Omnitrac 2 is the ideal measuring instrument for a wide variety of applications in industry, whether the work is indoors or outdoors.


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Geomagic Capture

Geomagic Capture - Blue Light Scanner

(The customer uses his technician and his software)

Geomagic Capture is a powerful 3D scanning and software system that allows you to easily transform physical objects into CAD and reduce product development time.


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carburator .....


Artec Space Spider

(The customer uses his technician and his software)

Space Spider offers virtually unlimited possibilities in areas such as reverse engineering, quality control, product design and manufacturing.



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