Geomagic Capture

Blue Light Scanner

Geomagic Capture is a powerful 3D scanning and software system that allows you to easily transform physical objects into CAD and reduce product development time.

The ultra-compact Geomagic Capture scanner uses state-of-the-art blue LED light technology.

This fantastic device captures close to a million points in 0.3 seconds to create detailed models of physical objects with an accuracy of 0.060-0.118 mm.


Geomagic Capture is a family of powerful integrated scanners and software systems for professional scanner-based design and quality inspection.

It is available in six application-specific configurations, combining the best of Geomagic software with an ultra-precise and compact blue-light LED scanner.

Geomagic Capture enables designers and engineers to incorporate real-world CAD objects as an integral part of their engineering workflow.

Geomagic Capture for Quality Inspection provides precision scanning integrated with Geomagic's high-quality inspection tools in a seamless, pulsating way.

With unprecedented performance and affordability, Geomagic Capture usher in a new era of productivity and utility from design to manufacturing.